What are the benefits of using a hearing aid?
hat problems does the use of hearing aids prevent and what problems does it eliminate?
It is important to know that the use of hearing aids will make a serious difference in the quality of life of the hearing loss person.
Using hearing aids in many ways will improve the quality of life of hearing aid users, here we will mention a few of these methods.
First of all, we must point out a very important complication that is very difficult to compensate for if we do not use a proper hearing aid, and even in some cases it is irreversible.
Recent research from Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania has shown that varying degrees of hearing loss can accelerate the process of atrophy, breakdown and weakening of the auditory cortex in the brain, result ing in speech perception. It is much less for a person and over time it may create irreversible effects.
Warning : Atrophy of the auditory cortex of the human brain can occur in varying degrees, from complete impairment of the auditory cortex to a decrease in its power can have different effects on the quality of hearing and consequently on the quality of life.
The good news is that in the continuation of this research, it has been proven that if a deaf person uses a suitable and specialized hearing aid, in addition to enjoying his full hearing, this phenomenon and its complications can be prevented. Hearing aids greatly control the rate at which this phenomenon occurs.
Another study from JOHNS HOPKINS University found that people with hearing loss had a 24% to 34% increased risk of Alzheimer's and dementia.
Although scientists and researchers are still trying to find the root cause of this phenomenon, the result s of this research confirm that the use of appropriate hearing aids for all types of hearing loss can easily prevent these problems.
Conclusion: Continued use of appropriate hearing aids can minimize the risk of cognitive problems and dementia as well as atrophy of the auditory cortex of the brain.
Tinnitus is one of the most common problems with hearing loss, although in very rare cases tinnitus can occur in people with normal hearing.
Tinnitus means the presence and hearing of a sound similar to a horn, bell, or any other sound that is heard by a person but has no external origin.
Research in the United States has shown that approximately 50 million Americans complain of tinnitus in one or both ears, and report experiencing tinnitus.
For this reason, large hearing aid companies have designed special circuits for this group of people to solve this problem, and hearing aid users can ask their hearing care professional to activate these circuits in the hearing aid to hear the unpleasant feeling of tinnitus. To get away from them.
Note that in most cases (more than 60% of cases) with normal hearing aid amplifications the buzzing sound disappears or is very low, and in this case there is no need for the audiologist to activate the specialized buzzing circuits, so the final decision about whether to activate or Leave the lack of buzz control circuits in your hearing aid to a hearing care professional.
The use of hearing aids in a large number of deaf people, in addition to creating normal hearing, also eliminates the annoying buzzing.
According to Dr William H. Lippy, ENT specialist, found er and head of the LIPPY Hearing and Hearing Research Group The best way to eliminate or reduce tinnitus and alleviate the bad feeling caused by tinnitus is to use a suitable hearing aid.
When you feel good about yourself as a result of using a hearing aid and are fully aware of all the sounds around you, you will easily become eager to participate more actively and lively in your social relationships and therefore have warmer relationships., You will be more intimate and improved with your friends and those around you.
Because you will be happier, calmer and more specific in conversations.
When you attend a party or a particular restaurant or park, you will most likely talk to a lot of people and easily communicate with them verbally after hearing their voices.
Using a hearing aid will help you interact very well with other people in these environments and, to be more precise, you will experience a great sense of hearing in all places.
This factor will be a solid reason for you to have more social mobility and vitality.
If you suffer from hearing loss, you may at times find yourself thinking that others are constantly angry with you and do not want to talk to you.
Deafness in most cases may cause you to not understand the true meaning of what is being said to you, for example, you may have arguments and tensions in conversation with your family and loved ones because they misunderstand what they mean.
Keep in mind that in these cases, if the right solution is not taken to compensate for the hearing loss, it may easily cause the collapse or weakening of your most intimate relationships, even with your loved ones, due to the repeated misinterpretations of the speech of others, especially your loved ones.
You can refer to Ilam Central Hearing and Hearing Aid Clinic in a timely manner and in a calm environment, while receiving a specialized hearing assessment, you can receive professional advice on a variety of up-to-date hearing aids in the United States and Europe suitable for your hearing loss. Change the quality of your hearing, your living conditions in the best possible way, and enjoy a great sense of hearing without any risk or worry about the future of your hearing and quality of life .
Also, note that all hearing assessment services, consulting, prescribing, tuning and even warranty of your hearing aid will be done in a completely professional and guaranteed manner.
The American Society of Hearing and Speech Therapy (ASHA) states that people who suffer from hearing loss will have varying degrees of decline in performance at work depending on their level of hearing loss.
Due to hearing problems, these people in some cases do not fully understand the words of their employer, friends and customers, and therefore may ignore their requests, which will result in reduced efficiency in the workplace.
Hearing Tech says research has been done on the effects of hearing loss on the income of people with hearing loss. The people studied in this study suffered from hearing loss and answered questions about problems caused by hearing loss..
The study found that 25% of these people reported that their hearing loss had a significant negative impact on their annual income.
Also, people whose job situation requires them to talk more on the phone have reported the largest reduction in their income.
Conclusion: More than 25% of deaf people who do not use hearing aids will suffer from the adverse effects of hearing loss on their annual income.
It is interesting to know that a White House spokesman had stated in one of his interviews that former US President Bill Cl into n was very upset because of his deafness and lack of full understanding of what his colleagues were saying at work, with assessments made by an audiologist Use a hearing aid and after prescribing the appropriate hearing aid, forget about all the problems caused by your hearing loss.
Another study by the Better Hearing Research Institute found that in privately run jobs, people's incomes were reduced by 75% to 90% depending on their hearing loss.
In all these cases, the use of appropriate hearing aids will have many positive effects on the quality of hearing and, consequently, will prevent the negative effects of hearing loss on people's income.
The hearing of musicians and musicians usually decreases at certain frequencies (frequencies between 3000 and 6000 Hz) due to exposure to loud noises.
When a musician works for a long time in dangerous and noisy conditions, the rate of hearing damage increases and in some cases, his hearing quality will decrease.
These people usually complain about the ambiguity of people's speech or the poor quality of the sound of instruments and songs.
Our advice to dear musicians is not to leave their job and art in any way, and it is only necessary to use special protectors designed for these people to prevent damage to their hearing.
And in cases where hearing impairment has occurred and the person suffers from hearing loss and the problems caused by it, it is enough to use a suitable hearing aid prescribed by a hearing specialist to enjoy the excellent quality of their hearing again and to play the delicate components of the music properly. Understand.
The famous musician David Gellis, who had been composing for several decades, finally faced hearing loss and suffered from not being able to understand and hear the sound of the instrument and the quality of his music, so he decided to use a hearing aid.
He has stated that after using the hearing aid, his hearing quality has improved tremendously and he is easily able to make music and relax his activity.
Can hearing aids improve hearing?
Can hearing aids improve hearing?
Does hearing aids protect your hearing? Dear patients, we are always asked if hearing aids can make my hearing worse. Or can a hearing aid activate my ear nerves if I can hear better without a hearing aid? The answer to this question is really possible only with a careful study of the medical concepts and physiology of hearing and ear. In this article, we will help you answer your questions by carefully examining these concepts. In the human auditory system and other senses of the body, such as vision, if that system becomes inactive and underactive, it will gradually weaken and the blood supply to it will decrease because the body sends more blood to more active systems. For example, in different tumors, because it grows over time and becomes more active, that system draws more blood to itself). Now, if a person's hearing becomes weak over time, the auditory nerve becomes less active, which causes the human brain to feel that it no longer needs to supply blood to the auditory nerve and cochlea as before. As a result, over time, the human body itself attacks that weak system and makes it weaker, which in medicine is called atrophy, which means the gradual weakening of an organ in the body of living organisms. Now, by explaining this issue, the answer to the dear patient's question, who asked "Does the hearing aid protect the hearing?" We give:
If you use a hearing aid, the nerves in your ear will be reactivated, and this activity will stimulate the signals received at the surface of the brain, causing the brain to issue more blood supply to the cochlea and nerves, thus increasing the cochlear and nerve nutrition. and this increase in blood flow causes the cochlea and the auditory nerve of the ear to function better over time. As a result, if you use a hearing aid, your remaining hearing will not decrease, in other words, your hearing loss will not increase. I always give this example to patients with glasses and say that if someone has weak eyes and uses glasses, his eyes will not become weak and his eye score will remain constant.
Now, by explaining this issue, the answer to the dear patient's question, who asked "Can a hearing aid improve hearing?" We give:
If you use a hearing aid, your cochlea and auditory nerve will be reactivated, and this activation will cause the volume of sound received at the level of the brain to be higher than if the hearing aid was not used, which will cause the brain to feel the difference. Therefore, the brain instructs the blood vessels to send more blood to the cochlea and the auditory nerve of the ear. By increasing the nutrition of the cochlea and the ear nerve, the condition of their cells improves, so if you remove the hearing aid from your ear after using it for a while, most patients say that now without the hearing aid, I have not used the hearing aid. I hear well.
Dear patients who use hearing aids, remember that if you put on a hearing aid in time and at the right time, it means that the hearing intervention is early, the hearing aid will cause
Hear the sound better
and make your ears not weaker
. Dear patients, use a hearing aid. It can not be more than a year. Your ear nerves and cochlear cells are severely weakened and gradually die. For this reason, patients who have been hearing-impaired for several years go to a hearing and hearing aid clinic for a hearing aid. When the hearing aid is placed on their ears, they say that the sound is very strange to us. This is because your brain has forgotten the sound and like a tree that you have not watered for years, its roots have dried up. But thanks to God, these nerves are gradually activated and your voice perception is better. But remember if
Two patients with hearing loss of 50% and the first person to receive a hearing aid after 3 months and the second person after 10 years and if a hearing aid model is prescribed for them and all other people such as age, gender, etc. are equal. The patient who gets the hearing aid sooner experiences better voice perception
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