
CIC Hearing aids

به وب سایت رسمی کلینیک تخصصی شنوایی و سمعک مرکزی ایلام خوش آمدید

CIC Hearing aids

What is a hearing aid inside the phone?



CIC hearing aids Which model of hearing aids is called?














Models of hearing aids in which all parts are insert ed into the ear canal are called in-ear hearing aids or CICs.



In most cases, the shell or outer cover of the hearing aid is made based on a mold made from a deaf person.



People with more open ear canals are better able to use this model.



After ordering the hearing aid inside the phone, an initial molding may be done by an audiologist. This mold will be sent to the company's laboratory to make the hearing aid shell.



All the parts of the hearing aid inside the phone are made by the parent company, which are mainly based in Europe or the United States, and only those parts are placed inside the hearing aid shell by the specialized laboratory of Iran.



Be sure to read:  "What parts is a hearing aid made of?" (Click)



After completing the process of making the hearing aid inside the phone, the hearing aid is sent to the audiologist to apply the settings. The audiologist applies the initial settings based on the user's hearing status as well as age, gender and other influential factors.






Warning: The hearing aid inside the phone is a 100% personal device and is made and adjusted based on the shape of the ear and the hearing condition of the hearing aid user, and if it is placed in the second person's ear, in addition to health problems, it will definitely be compatible with the second person It does not and in most cases will cause sores, inflammation and subsequent infection inside the ear canal. (In no case do not insert another person's hearing aid into your ear canal, even for curiosity or testing the sound of the hearing aid ...).














In-ear hearing aids, like other hearing aids, have their own limit ations and advantages.






limit ations of using the hearing aid inside the phone:

  • The amount of hearing damage should not be less than a certain limit



When a hearing aid or anything else blocks the ear canal, the person's own voice becomes more amplified at bass frequencies, in which case the person hears his voice abnormally.



In a large number of people whose bass frequencies are less damaged or the hearing rate is normal in this area, a person will be dissatisfied with the sound of the hearing aid as soon as he hears the sound of the hearing aid and the quality of his voice will be disturbed. His accuracy in speaking normally decreases. (Although with new technologies and advances in hearing aids we have largely overcome this limit ation and in many people we do not have this limit ation, but still in those who have hearing loss. In this range is completely normal, we face a problem.



However, in people whose hearing impairment covers the entire hearing range and all hearing frequencies have some degree of damage (for example, they have at least 25 decibels of hearing impairment at Bam frequencies) because these people can not make slight changes in To hear and feel the sound, they will only enjoy the benefits of hearing aids well.



In these people, we can prescribe and adjust the hearing aid suitable for the person without any worries. These users hear the sound of hearing aids in a completely normal way.



Diagnosis and consultation on what kind of hearing aids can be suitable for your hearing in "Ilam Central Hearing and Hearing Aid Clinic" (click)It will be explained to you professionally.




  • The amount of hearing damage should not be more than a certain limit



These hearing aids can raise the volume to a limit ed extent due to the proximity of the microphone and the receiver (hearing aid speaker) and the location of both parts inside the ear canal, as well as the small parts and the receiver of the hearing aid and can not be expected to amplify the sounds very powerfully. For this reason, those who are in favor of using these types of hearing aids, their hearing damage should not exceed certain limit s (for example, they should not have more than 90 decibels of hearing damage in their hearing range).



Although in the new generations of hearing aids and thanks to new technologies, our limit ations in prescribing in-ear hearing aids have been greatly reduced, but in some cases, in-ear hearing aids can still not be used.




  • Recommended not to use in deaf people with torn eardrums



Patients who have a ruptured eardrum and frequent infections and discharge of fluid in their ears are advised to increase their desire to use hearing aids behind the phone, because if they are prescribed in-ear hearing aids, they will have to be careful. and take much more of the steps that need to be taken to maintain the proper performance of the hearing aid.






Buy in-ear hearing aids in Ilam_  limit  ations of in-ear hearing aids




  • Shorter hearing aid battery life



All hearing aid parts should be small in size to allow the hearing aid to fit well inside the ear canal, so the hearing aid battery is made smaller and consequently the battery power storage capacity is less than other hearing aids.




  • Delicate and small hearing aid



In-ear hearing aids are made smaller than most types of hearing aids, and therefore opening and closing the small battery door of these hearing aids requires more attention and focus than other models.



It is recommended that older people who are unable to do delicate tasks and do not have a personal nurse use a hearing aid on the back of the phone.



Be sure to read:  "Hearing aid behind the phone" (click)




  • All hearing aid components are located inside the ear canal



This allows the receiver and hearing aid components to be exposed directly to earwax, sweat and moisture from daily activities, and therefore require more care than behind-the-ear hearing aids.



Therefore, users of this type of hearing aid should regularly take their hearing aid out of the ear canal at the end of each day and clean the sweat and mass on the hearing aid with a tissue and brush for the hearing aid, especially the tip of the internal hearing aid receiver.



Due to the negligence and lack of regular cleaning of this type of hearing aid by users, the percentage of damage to the hearing aids inside the phone is much higher than the hearing aids that are placed behind the ear.









  • No directional microphone



Due to the small size of the hearing aid and its location inside the ear canal, only one microphone can be placed in the hearing aids inside the phone, and unlike the hearing aids behind the phone, it is not possible to use several directional microphones.



You may feel this problem more when talking in crowded environments.



Of course, in newer technologies, hearing aids have tried to alleviate this weakness to some extent.

  • Advice not to prescribe in children and young children



This type of hearing aid is made based on a person's current ear mold and in children and young adults who are growing, the shape of their ear canal and consequently the shape of the ear mold will change a lot in a few months. It makes the previous month impossible, and for this reason, if such hearing aids are prescribed (at the insistence of the parents and against the opinion of the child's audiologist), it is necessary to change the hearing aid shell every few months.



The problem with this is that, firstly, the child does not have adequate hearing during the time the hearing aid is sent to the company's laboratory to change the shell, and secondly, the child's family is forced to pay extra and unnecessary fees.



Another point that reinforces the recommendation not to prescribe in-ear hearing aids for children is that due to the small size of the hearing aid, children may easily lose or swallow their hearing aids.






As for the benefits of in-ear hearing aids, which may greatly reduce the  limit ations in your opinion:












    • Possibility to sleep with a hearing aid



    Another great feature of this type of hearing aid is that if your condition requires you to have full hearing even when you are a sleep  or napping, you can easily put these hearing aids in your ear.



       »»   Recommendation: Except when necessary and for a limit ed time, please do not use the hearing aid for 24 hours and be sure to allow time for the hearing aid to rest and moist air to come out of your ear.



       »»  Note: Other models of hearing aids due to being behind the ear is recommended not to be used at all during sleep, because when you turn your head to one side, the hearing aid may be placed between the ear and your head, causing the hearing aid to break or injure Be behind your ears.

    • High quality hearing aid sound



    Due to the fact that the hearing aid speaker is very close to the eardrum, the sound of the hearing aid hits the eardrum immediately after production, and due to the lack of a path for the hearing aid tube, the possibility of changing and lowering the quality of the hearing aid is very low. and the sound is excellent and the person using the hearing aid experiences a natural pleasant feeling of hearing.




    • Preserving the anatomical features of the ear and using natural earlobe reinforcements



    The human eardrum exerts some amplification when collecting sound at speech frequencies so that a person can receive speech with better quality.



    When the hearing aid is located inside the ear canal, it is possible for the sound entering the ear to first hit the indentations and protrusions of the earlobe, and quite naturally, some amplification is applied at important speech frequencies, and then the sound enters the hearing aid microphone.




    • Better location of the direction from which the sound is generated



    When someone calls you while you do not see them, your brain subtly detects its direction by comparing the intensity of the sound and the earlier the sound is heard by the ear closer to the sound source.



    Now, when you suffer from hearing loss, it is definitely harder for you to recognize the direction of the sound. You can restore this power to your ears and brain with the help of in-ear hearing aids that are very close to normal. Shows itself.)

    • The small size of the hearing aid and the possibility of seeing very little of the hearing aid inside the phone



    It can be said that one of the most important and tempting features of these hearing aids, which is the main reason for most people to use this type of hearing aid, is the small size of the hearing aid and the possibility of seeing very little of the hearing aids inside the phone.



    Due to the placement of all the hearing aid parts in the ear canal, it is very unlikely that it will be seen by other people, and you can easily follow their conversations without others realizing that you have a hearing problem or use a hearing aid.






    What is a hearing aid inside the phone? Hearing aid in Ilam




    • Easier placement in the ear



    Due to the small size and one-piece hearing aid, people who have the necessary power and accuracy can easily insert the hearing aid in or out of their ear.



    The plastic rod-like handle is mounted on the hearing aid to allow easy control and control of the hearing aid while insert ing and removing it from the ear.




    • Increase self-confidence and unparalleled good listening experience



    Because you can clearly hear the conversations of those around you clearly, you will find it much more lively and fresh than your state without hearing aids, and you will be much more inclined to attend conversations with friends and family.



    And it makes you experience interesting self-confidence.









    You dear ones can coordinate with "09157546240" (click) to order a hearing aid and use the free hearing counseling and evaluation services along with your order . (Coordination is possible by conversation or SMS).